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Captain John Cleve Symmes Monument, Hamilton, Ohio.


Photo taken by Audrey Morrison of Lane Public Library Refernce Services Team

The First Hollow Earth Convention


HERS and the convention Committee in Hamiton, Ohio are planning the first world wide "Hollow Earth Convention" in honor of Captain John Cleve Symmes.


The director of HERS encourages  all those who may wish to participate and/or contribute to the effort to contact him. If you have any special research , workshops, presentation stories, artifacts or anything you wish to share or would like to be a part of the convention, either as a contributor or a visitor, please contact HERS. HERS will respond to all those who  contact the director with continuous updates regarding the progress of this proposed convention. There are literally thousands of dedicated researchers, UFO organizations, scientists, pilots, biblical scholars, authors, university professors, and many psychics, metapysical people and others of all walks of life around the world have something to share.


Why Hamiton, Ohio?


In 1826, Hamitio, Ohio residnt Captain Jhon Cleves Symmes developed the hollow earth theory. In fact, he further regarded the theory as the "Concentric Ring Theory" He was an ex-army officer and a business man. He believed in nearly the same way Dr. Bernard except for his "Concentric Ring" explanation.

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